Action list from JF Installation meeting - 21 February 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------- A-frame : - the machining of the A-frame feet is finished - cutting of the profiles is finished - the design of the connection between A-frame and the BT rails has been presented and the materials (lead, stainless steel) is ordered - the interface connection between the top surface of the A-frame and the JFC1 is under design and shall be finalised for 3rd of March (Petr) - A proposal to adjust the position of the A-frame respect to the ECT is under design and will be presented next meeting (Wim) JFC1 : - the conflict with the beam pipe will be discussed in a meeting (Wednesday 27 2:00 pm building 26) with the Beam Pipe team to establish the action list (Modification - adaptation of the Beam Pipe support design - machining of the JFC1 ?). Organisation of the meeting : Tatiana. - A design of the interface in-between the JFC1 the A-frame and the monobloc has been proposed and discussed. It went out of the discussion that the JFC1 does not need a high precision in the positioning. Therefore a new proposition of interface will be studied (Petr) and presented for the next meeting. - the JFC1 real geometry (from survey data) and their consequences in the positioning will be studied by Petr and Raphael. - Jack of JFC1 shall have an adjustable extremity to compensate possible small angle. As the Jack shall be perpendicular to beam axis, the angle of deviation is very small. An extremity with lead will be able to compensate this small angle. Integration of such a design will be done by Jan. Platform for JFC1 : - Jan proposed a design of this platform with the Beams HEA700. But this design shall be improved to integrate the following points 1. the possibility of lift the full assembly in one goal (lifting points, locking system, stiffening) 2. the access platform necessary to reach the adjusting system and jacks hydraulique connections. 3. a quick positioning on the truck. - we discovered that the precision in the jack connection with the JFC1 requires a good position of the JF beams. But the contact surface between the beam and the rail of the HF truck is not machined. Therefore the machining of this surface shall take place a soon as possible. Raphael shall investigate if we can do this job at CERN central workshop. - The full assembly procedure of the frame with JF beam shall be detailed (Raphael, Jan, Patrick) Survey : - the position of the installed washer shall be understood, Tatiana shall check if a survey report exist.